
Mayor's Office - Duties of the Mayor:

The Mayor is responsible for a wide variety of functions within city government. While some of these functions are the result of over 200 years' tradition, others are listed directly in state law. These duties are listed in the Ohio Revised Code, a summary of which appears below.

Legal Duties:

  • The Mayor enforces all laws of the City. He/she signs all commissions, licenses, and permits granted by legislative authority, as well as other instruments that require his/her signature under the law.
  • The Mayor serves as the top conservator of peace in the City.  The Mayor maintains safe streets by appointing and supervising the City's Director of Public Safety, who works closely with the Police and Fire Chiefs to control crime and establish programs that preserve the health and welfare of Logan residents.
  • The Mayor manages the operations of the City. By supervising the conduct of all officers and department supervisors in the City authorized by law, the Mayor manages the day-to-day operations and long-term planning strategies of City government.
  • The Mayor recommends legislative actions to City Council and provides them with requested information. Through the course of managing the operations of City government, the Mayor is well suited to make recommendations to City Council members as to the best course of action when considering legislation. The Mayor is also responsible for providing Council members with any information they request in order to help them make good decisions for the residents of Logan.

Staff Contacts

10 South Mulberry Street
Logan, OH 43138

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39.535598, -82.407388