Emergency & Disaster Information

What to do when a disaster occurs:

First and foremost, you must be prepared to take action to protect yourself and others. Remain calm and do not make any hasty decisions.

The Logan Police Department and the Hocking County Emergency Management Agency are providing the following steps to help you through a catastrophe.

Weather Related Emergencies

Please remember that each police, fire, utility service will be swamped with calls that are emergency and non-emergency types. The most important factor in weather related incidents is to remain patient. It is impossible to reach every person and every home and put up signs to direct traffic flow or close off roads within minutes of the storm.

Many times an evacuation or partial evacuation is called for. Any person who has been evacuated or left the premises during any emergency will NOT be allowed to return until the situation has been declared safe by the appropriate agency - Logan Fire Department or the Logan Police Department.

Do not drive around emergency apparatus for any reason. You can be arrested.

Stay in if the weather is such that road emergencies have been declared. Floods and Ice Storms are the most likely to be our primary problems.


Floods are dangerous. It only takes a small amount of running water to literally lift a vehicle and swoop into a creek or pond. Do not cross high water if it is moving. Pay attention to roads that are closed. If your home is being threatened by flood there are some steps you should consider:

Turn off all electrical devices, including your furnace, washer and dryer.

Move items that cannot be salvaged if wet.

Keep your pets upstairs and away from danger.

If the threat of flood is imminent, leave your home and follow evacuation routes. Take only those items needed to survive a few days.

Ice Storms

Ice Storms will always be a problem in the Logan area. There a couple of dangers generally associated with this type of disaster:

  • First, the loss of power, that means no heat. If the loss of power is the only problem, many homes have built in fireplaces. Have firewood ready or use an alternate source of power (generators) to provide for basic services. Remember that not every portable generator is large enough to provide power to your entire home, so be careful purchasing one.

Utilizing the “Shelter in Place” equipment will also help keep you warm for a short time.

  • The secondary danger often associated with Ice Storms is falling tree limbs. One reason for staying inside your home is to remain safe. If your home is struck by a tree, be sure that everyone is moved to another location in the home for safety reason. Call the Logan Police Department or The Logan Fire Department if you need assistance.

What items do I need to make a basic “Shelter-in-Place” kit?

Plastic sheeting, duct tape, blankets, flashlights, first aid supplies, snack foods, bottled water, battery operated clock, battery operated radio or TV, extra batteries, bath towels. Pack enough for at least three days of supplies for each person residing in your home.

Fortunately, the chance of this type of disaster is small but being prepared can save your life.

During any disaster police and fire personnel are prepared to protect you and your family. Police will bring in extra personnel to assist in whatever needs are determined. Fire personnel have extensive training in rescue and evacuations. The Logan Police Department and the Logan Fire Department work hard to keep you safe.


First and foremost, bring your shelter in place kit. Bring extra clothes and enough food and water for a couple of days. Most evacuees will be headed to other family members' or friend’s homes so it is not essential to bring everything you own.

Pay attention to the directions that are given to you by TV, radio and on the streets. It is imperative that you follow directions. Safe evacuations routes are set up to permit egress from a disaster without traffic interference.

If police have closed roads, do not attempt to cross their barriers or drive onto closed roads.